The twins were so excited when I told them we were going to Sans grocery store which was created just for them. They could pick anything out in the store and I would buy it for them to try. They relished in this thought and were anxious to see what this store had to offer. Sam was a little monkey and immediately climbed up the shelves to reach some candy he had his eye on. Perhaps they could have a small step for their shorter customers. Sam and Audrey were both were excited that I wasn't laying out a few cereal boxes on the floor and telling them to pick one option.
Marissa and her brother are so kind and genuine. They told me about their vision to open a GF cafe as well as a resource center in the back of their store for patrons to peruse and educate themselves. I was lucky enough to have help with my groceries to the car and I felt taken care of. They seemed to be a one stop shop with connection to Upper Crust Bakery where I ordered my Thanksgiving pie for next week. Sans is a one stop store for people with gluten intollerance.
Natural Food Works had their cookies available at Sans and they were delightful. Crisp and delicious for all our palettes. Another close contender for absolutely great flavor and an incredible product is the brand King Arthur
Snacks and Treats
The kids indulged in these treats.. The hit was the buffalo cranberry Tanka Bar
. Also you can never get enough of Annies
and Froose
fruit snacks. Some of the bag of chips were too spicy for the twins so beware of too much flavor for young appetites.
Dinner Options
When I travel with the twins, finding choices they will like on the road is a daunting task. I have found Annies Macaroni and Cheese
to always be a safe bet. Sans has a Deluxe family version of this mac and cheese which was a great buy. I also liked trying the bean soup can of Gluten Free Cafe
only offered at Sans (Sam dipped his chips in it) and Shelton's Turkey Chili
which were perfect for the twins. I could pour and microwave this yummy dinner option easily. These links allow you to order in bulk from Amazon, however, I enjoyed shopping for a little bit of variety from Sans in San Rafael.
New for my kiddos
What a wonderful resource for your family!